Team Strengths Assessments


Raise your team’s self-awareness and increase employee engagement by up to 60%. Make your work more meaningful with in-depth insights and team analytics from a Certified  Clifton StrengthsFinder Coach.

Assess Your Strengths

How Well Do We Work Together?

Strengths Assessment

Our team will administer Gallup’s CliftonStrengths™ Assessment and compile the results.

Team Strengths Review

We’ll sit down with leadership and team members to review the Strengths Insights we found.

Individual Coaching

After introducing Team Strengths Insights, clients may choose to follow up with 1-on-1 coaching.

Team Workshop

We’ll lead an interactive workshop designed to help the team understand and appreciate each others’ Strenghts

Develop & Engage

Post-workshop debrief to close the feedback loop and make plans for integrating workshop takeaways.


On-going coaching and support through the employee development life-cycle.

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